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Tazria 5777

Writer's picture: Rav Uriel AvigesRav Uriel Aviges


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 L'Éternel parla à Moïse en ces termes: 2 "Parle ainsi aux enfants d'Israël: lorsqu'une femme, ayant conçu, enfantera un mâle, elle sera impure durant sept jours, comme lorsqu'elle est isolée à cause de sa souffrance. 3 Au huitième jour, on circoncira l'excroissance de l'enfant. 4 Puis, trente-trois jours durant, la femme restera dans le sang de purification: elle ne touchera à rien de consacré, elle n'entrera point dans le saint lieu, que les jours de sa purification ne soient accomplis. 5 Si c'est une fille qu'elle met au monde, elle sera impure deux semaines, comme lors de son isolement; puis, durant soixante-six jours, elle restera dans le sang de purification. 6 Quand sera accompli le temps de sa purification, pour un garçon ou pour une fille, elle apportera un agneau d'un an comme holocauste, et une jeune colombe ou une tourterelle comme expiatoire, à l'entrée de la Tente d'assignation, et les remettra au pontife. 7 Celui-ci les offrira devant le Seigneur, fera expiation pour elle, et elle sera purifiée du flux de son sang. Telle est la règle de la femme qui enfante, qu'il s'agisse d'un garçon ou qu'il s'agisse d'une fille

Genese 4 1

 or, l'homme s'était uni à Ève, sa femme. Elle conçut et enfanta Caïn, en disant: "J'ai fait naître un homme, conjointement avec l'Éternel!"


Qayin Parce que j’ai acquis (qanithi).

Avec Hachem La préposition eth possède ici le même sens que ‘im (« avec »). Lorsqu’Il m’a créée ainsi que mon mari, Il était seul à nous créer. Mais pour cet enfant, nous sommes devenus Ses associés (V. Nidda 31a).

Genese 31

 J'étais, le jour, en proie au hâle et aux frimas la nuit; et le sommeil fuyait de mes yeux. 41 J'ai passé ainsi vingt années dans ta maison! Je t'ai servi quatorze ans pour tes deux filles et six ans pour ton menu bétail et tu as changé dix fois mon salaire. 42 Si le Dieu de mon père, le Dieu d'Abraham et celui que révère Isaac ne m'était venu en aide, certes, actuellement tu m'aurais laissé partir les mains vides. Dieu a vu mon humiliation et le labeur de mes mains et il a prononcé hier." 43 Laban répondit à Jacob: "Ces filles sont mes filles et ces fils sont mes fils et ce bétail est le mien; tout ce que tu vois m'appartient. Étant mes filles, comment agirais je contre elles, dès lors, ou contre les fils qu'elles ont enfantés?

Genese 25

 Le premier qui sortit était roux et tout son corps pareil à une pelisse; on lui donna le nom d'Ésaü

 Ésaü dit à Jacob: "Laisse-moi avaler, je te prie, de ce rouge, de ce mets rouge, car je suis fatigué." C'est à ce propos qu'on le nomma Édom

Genese 33

 II reprit: "Qu'est ce que toute cette troupe, venant de ta part, que j'ai rencontrée?" II répondit: "Pour obtenir la bienveillance de mon seigneur." 9 Ésaü dit: "J'en ai amplement; mon frère, garde ce que tu as."

Baba metsia 86

R. Kahana said: R. Hama, the son of the daughter of Hassa,4  related to me [that] Rabbah b. Nahmani died through persecution,5  information having been laid against him to the State. Said they [the informers]: There is an Israelite who keeps back twelve thousand Israelites from the payment of the royal poll-tax one month in summer and one in winter.6 They used to flock to the academy in Nisan and Tishri, the months of popular lectures, and in consequence the tax-collectors could not obtain their taxes for these months. So Rashi. [The Karasa (poll-tax) appears to have been payable monthly, and the absence of so many tax-payers during these two months in the year (according to Sherira, Adar and Elul, litter, p. 87) was responsible for a drop in the monthly royal revenue. There was, however, no question of evading the tax, as the arrears could in any case be collected with subsequent payments.)

 Thereupon a royal officer was sent for him, but did not find him. He [Rabbah] then fled from Pumbeditha to Akra, from Akra to Agama,7  from Agama to Sahin, from Sahin to Zarifa, from Zarifa to 'Ena Damim,8  and thence back to Pumbeditha. In Pumbeditha he found him; for the royal officer chanced to visit the same inn where Rabbah [was hiding]. Now, they placed a tray before him [the royal officer], gave him two glasses of liquor, and then removed the tray;9 (To drink an even number of glasses would excite the ill-will of certain demons; he had thus been unintentionally placed in danger)  whereupon his face was turned backward [by demons]. 'What shall we do with him?' said they [the inn attendants] to him [Rabbah]; 'he is a royal officer.' 'Offer him the tray again,' he replied, 'and let him drink another goblet; then remove the tray, and he will recover.' They did so, and he recovered. 'I know,' said he, 'that the man whom I require is here;' he searched for and found him. He then said, 'I will depart from here; if I am slain, I will not disclose [his whereabouts]; but if tortured, I will.' He was then brought before him, and he led him into a chamber and locked the door upon him [to keep him there as a prisoner]. But he [Rabbah] prayed, whereupon the wall fell down, and he fled to Agama; there he sat upon the trunk of a [fallen] palm and studied. Now, they were disputing in the Heavenly Academy thus: If the bright spot preceded the white hair, he is unclean; if the reverse, he is clean.10

  If [the order is] in doubt — the Holy One, blessed be He, ruled, He is clean; whilst the entire Heavenly Academy maintained, He is unclean.11 (It is a daring fancy to picture the Almighty disputing with the Heavenly Academy on one of His own laws, but is in keeping with the spirit of Talmudic inquiry that the Law once having been given, it is for man to interpret it.)  Who shall decide12  it? said they. — Rabbah b. Nahmani; for he said, I am pre-eminent13  in the laws of leprosy and tents.14  A messenger was sent for him, but the Angel of Death could not approach him, because he15  did not interrupt his studies [even for a moment]. In the meantime, a wind blew and caused a rustling in the bushes, when he imagined it to be a troop of soldiers. 'Let me die,' he exclaimed, 'rather than be delivered into the hands of the State. As he was dying, he exclaimed, 'Clean, clean!'16  when a Heavenly Voice cried out, 'Happy art thou, O Rabbah b. Nahmani, whose body is pure and whose soul had departed in purity!'

Berahot 7

R. Johanan says in the name of R. Jose: How do we know that the Holy One, blessed be He, says prayers? Because it says: Even them will I bring to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer.1  It is not said, 'their prayer', but 'My prayer'; hence [you learn] that the Holy One, blessed be He, says prayers. What does He pray? — R. Zutra b. Tobi said in the name of Rab: 'May it be My will that My mercy may suppress My anger, and that My mercy may prevail over My [other] attributes, so that I may deal with My children in the attribute of mercy and, on their behalf, stop short of the limit of strict justice'.2  It was taught: R. Ishmael b. Elisha says: I once entered into the innermost part [of the Sanctuary] to offer incense and saw Akathriel Jah,3  the Lord of Hosts, seated upon a high and exalted throne. He said to me: Ishmael, My son, bless Me! I replied: May it be Thy will that Thy mercy may suppress Thy anger and Thy mercy may prevail over Thy other attributes, so that Thou mayest deal with Thy children according to the attribute of mercy and mayest, on their behalf, stop short of the limit of strict justice! And He nodded to me with His head. Here we learn [incidentally] that the blessing of an ordinary man must not be considered lightly in your eyes.

Amy Winehouse unwholly war

If, if my man is fighting some unholy war And I will stand beside you But who you dying for? B, I would have died too I'd have liked to If my man was fighting Some unholy war If my man was fighting


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